Is gambling a sin to god

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Can Christians Gamble in Good Conscience? - The Blog

To answer if gambling is a sin, you have to identify what a sin is. Personally I don't believe that God cares if I get together with my friends on the weekend to play some poker. I also don't think God cares if I invest my savings in the stock market, or if I go bungee jumping off The Mirage. Is gambling sin? - YouTube The word of the Lord came to me and said gamling is a wicket sin because Lord told me to warn the believers of Arunachal Pradesh that housie ,Lotory etc is Abomination to God not to play to much ... Is gambling a sin? What does the Bible say about gambling?

IS Gambling A SIN?

Is gambling a sin? | Yahoo Answers Sinning is a concept identified by Christians. The Old Testament makes many references to gambling as a way of deciding God's will in matters as serious as ... What does the Bible say about playing the lottery?

Study the following Bible verses about gambling and see why God encourages us to stay away from it. Many Christians wonder if gambling is a sin and what the Bible has to say about it. While casinos, ...

Gambling: What Is At Stake? - Preaching Point

A person who feels guilt from gambling, should not gamble. A person who has a buck to throw to a scratch off just for fun, should search their own heart to listen for God’s Word. If you open your heart to God you will feel His presence and He will guide you. It is the heart that defiles the body and leads to sin.

Is it a Sin to Gamble? Gambling and Sin: Is it a Sin for Christians to Gamble? Slot Machines. By COGwriter.The gambling industry calls itself the gaming industry. Basically, they like to indicate that they are in theThe sacred nature of appealing to God this way is another reason to be cautious about participating... Is gambling a sin in catholic | Safe gambling on-line What are the chances that gambling is a sin? | MOBILE-PHONECASINO.MOBI.There was some doubt as to whether chess was to be considered an unbecoming, and therefore, an unlawful, game for clerics. God has given to each person certain talents, which includes time, money, and influence.